
Game: Ghouls'N Ghosts
Manufacturer: Capcom
Year: 1988
Original Location played: Town N Country/Emporia, KS

This cabinet was given to me by Jeff Dybull (Florida) as a dedicated Ikari Warriors. I noticed that the machine was the same as the original dedicated Ghouls 'N Ghosts.

I purchased a NOS kit from Ebay which included a boardset, marquee and sideart. The NOS control panel was purchased from Kevin Phillips (Tennessee). The bezel was given to me by Stacey (N. Carolina)..

Original unhacked boardset - works 100%.

The game has a w/g 4900 with zero screen burn.

What I did:
* Had to strip the sideart and repaint the cab black.
* Had to remove the entire wiring harness and replace it with a jamma harness.
* Had to remove all the original art and boardset.
* Had to replace the light fixture.
* Had to fix a broken piece on the bottom of the game.
* Had to recap the monitor and replace a transistor.
* Had to rewire the control panel completely.

Current Status:
Game is in my office and works 100%.

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