About Me:
Game / Pinball Collector since 1997
May 24, 2012

May 23, 2012
I am sure you get this a lot and if you do not you should. The list that you have on http://www.arcade-classics.com/price_guide.html has been very helpful for me. I am able to have friends and family help me locate games on ebay and craigslist and verify with the prices there as guidelines to average prices go for. I enjoy restoring games and this list helps me plan projects to stay within the average price. If the game can not be purchased knowing the cost of parts and time at a profitable spot then I pass on the game. This has kept me from getting burned and since I have been out of work has kept me surviving by doing my own thing while I work. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the fact that some one would go through this trouble and that by doing this it keeps me wiser in my side jobs.
*If you wish to leave feedback, please email me at xexoxex@gmail.com